Today we are celebrating Daevy's journey to freedom.

By the time they are 17 years old, 55% of teens in Cambodia will have dropped out of school, making them more susceptible to trafficking and exploitation. This reigned true for Daevy, who was forced to stop her education in twelfth grade due to family financial constraints. However, Daevy’s life took a turn when she began our Workforce Development Program. Enrolled by her excited parents, Daevy took advanced sewing skills training to give herself an employable skillset. She sought guidance from her Nomi Network trainer and successfully secured a position at a local car manufacturer in Poipet. With her new salary, Daevy allocated part of her earnings toward a pig farm venture to provide even more income for her family.

Daevy’s success inspires others in her village, shifting their perspectives from seeking illegal work in Thailand to pursuing opportunities within local businesses and factories. Due to her strong performance, Daevy was promoted to an Operator position. She shared, “I will soon save some funds in my bank account for necessities like healthcare, clothing, and food. I also hope to help my mother open a crockery shop in our village.” We can’t wait to see Daevy’s continued journey of freedom and all the lives it will touch.

Support women and girls from economically challenged backgrounds to achieve economic freedom like Daevy. Join us in reaching our $100,000 fundraising goal by donating today; we’re $45,000 away. Your contribution will support survivors and help women and girls in India, Cambodia, and Dallas overcome barriers to secure, sustainable employment. Donate now, and your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar!

*name changed to protect privacy

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