Celebrate HER | Meet Tara

Tara story

Be the network behind women and girls breaking cycles of exploitation. In her grandmother’s tender embrace, Tara felt truly safe. Tara moved in with her grandmother after child services took her away from her mother and her abusive boyfriend. When her grandma passed away, Tara was tempted to follow her mother’s path into sex work. […]

Celebrate HER | Meet Aashvi

Be the network behind women and girls breaking cycles of exploitation. In Aashvi’s rural hometown, girls face high trafficking risks due to limited education and financial independence. Our program manager aided Aashvi in launching a her own jewelry-making business. Within months she crafted a profit-maximizing business plan. Now, Aashvi mentors other women, empowering them to […]

Celebrate HER | Meet Sela

Be the network behind women and girls breaking cycles of exploitation. Sela relied on farming for sustenance due to limited education opportunities for women in her region. Before our Workforce Development Program, she earned $60 monthly. After joining, her income rose to $100 within three months. Today, Sela plans to expand her poultry farm and […]

A Month with Adithi…

A Month With Adithi

HELP US REACH MORE GIRLS LIKE ADITHI IN 2024. JOIN OUR MONTHLY GIVING PROGRAM THIS HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS MONTH. $10 Promote small local enterprises started by trainees $25 Equip women and girls to be leaders in their communities $50 Provide workforce development training for one woman $100 Create pathways for safe jobs with vetted employment […]

Do Your Corporate DEI Initiatives Help Survivors of Human Trafficking?

Corpoate DEI

Imagine launching a job search on Linkedin to secure your first “real adult” job—except the formative educational years of your adolescence and early adulthood have been stolen from you. Most would agree that the job search process can be daunting and anxiety-inducing for anyone. When those feelings are compounded with years of immense trauma as […]