Adam Gordon

Position: Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network USA
Category: Featured speaker

Adam Roy Gordon is a Director at United Nations Global Compact Network USA, the U.S. Network of the Secretary-General's corporate sustainability initiative, where he was the organization's founding employee.

He is a well-known public speaker on corporate sustainability topics, a contributor to The Atlantic, an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, and was named to the Environment + Energy Leader 100.

Previously, Adam worked at CDP, supporting the integration of climate change, water, and deforestation disclosure into corporate performance. He was an EDF Climate Corps Fellow at Colgate-Palmolive Company and has diverse experience in sustainability that ranges from advising the government of Montenegro on green building policy to founding NYC's first commercial composting waste hauler. He holds a B.A. from Oberlin College, an M.S. in Sustainability Management from Columbia University, and is currently enrolled in the Program for Leadership Development at Harvard Business School.

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