Join our monthly giving program this
Human Trafficking Awareness month


This Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we are reminded of the 49.6 million individuals who are currently experiencing various forms of trafficking and exploitation. As we enter 2024, we invite you to aid in the fight against human trafficking by joining Nomi Network’s monthly giving program, the EmpowerHER Circle.

This month, we will be following the story of Adithi, a teen girl in our India program who recently re-enrolled in high school after being forced to drop out with the possibility of being married off as a minor like her older sister. Women bear the disproportionate burden of human trafficking, constituting 80% of those subjected to global commercial sexual exploitation and 66% of those coerced into early marriages. Nomi Network’s mission is dedicated to empowering women and girls like Adithi economically, aiming to prevent the vulnerabilities that lead to human trafficking and break the cycles of poverty.

By becoming a monthly donor, you provide a steady and reliable source of funding that enables Nomi Network to:

  1. Help women and girls achieve economic agency and mobility through job placement or entrepreneurship
  2. Reduce trafficking vulnerability in high risk regions and see cycles of poverty and exploitation broken
  3. Increase gender equity as women and girls become leaders in their families, communities, and workplaces

Joining Nomi Network’s Monthly Giving Program is a simple yet powerful way to make a lasting impact in 2024. Your commitment, no matter the size, contributes to the collective strength needed to eradicate human trafficking. 

Your generosity will make a tangible difference in thousands of lives and contribute to a world where freedom is a right, not a privilege.

Watch Adithi's full story below...

We know it’s important for your donation to be used effectively to end human trafficking. 

That’s why we work hard to be accountable and transparent.